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wp rocket Licensed Version WordPress plugin (free)

Page Caching for Desktop and Mobile

Caching makes your loading site ultra-fast. WP Rocket caches your pages by creating static HTML files and making them readily available for future visitors.

Cache Preloading

Let your visitors enjoy the speedier, cached content of your site right away. WP Rocket automatically preloads the cache every time you make some changes on your pages.

Optimization of CSS and JavaScript

Optimizing your WordPress code doesn’t have to give you headaches. WP Rocket makes your files faster and lighter by removing unnecessary elements.

LazyLoad for Images, Iframes, and Videos

Images or Iframes load on the page only when users need to display them. This saves bandwidth, and users can browse the site a lot faster.

WebP Compatibility

WP Rocket creates a separate cache file to serve WebP images to compatible browsers. To ensure compatibility, it detects some of the common plugins you might be using for WebP.

Database Optimization

See, at a glance, how many database tables are available for optimization. You can clean up revisions, trash posts, transients, or let WP Rocket do it for you.

CDN Compatibility

It doesn’t matter what CDN provider you’re using: WP Rocket will work seamlessly with any of them. Activating CDN integration requires only one click.

Browser Caching for Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel

Since you can’t apply browser caching to Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel files, the solution is to host them locally. WP Rocket takes care of this.


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