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Elementor Video Background Sound Button

Create a new Elementor section

Click on the “+” icon in an empty section of the page and choose a desired section structure.


Add class name to the Elementor section


  1. Click on the edit section icon to open the toolbar to the right for editing the section.
  2. Go to the “Advanced” tab.
  3. Under the “Advanced” dropdown add the class “herosection“. The class name can be anything of your choice but it should match the class name for the corresponding section in the JavaScript code below.

Add the self hosted video to the section background


  1. Go to the Style tab of the edit section toolbox.
  2. Choose the Video option from the Background Type attribute.
  3. Paste/Type the link for your video.

Add an Elementor Font Awesome Mute Icon

To your Elementor hero section with a background video.


Go in the settings, and choose that exact icon. It will be the background video sound button.


You will probably want to set the section content to full-width, and column position to ‘Stretch’. This will help in positioning the icon.


Then, use absolute positioning on the icon, to place it exactly where you want. Under Advanced > Positioning, set Width to Inline(auto) and (for example), use these settings to place the icon in the lower right corner of the hero section.


Add the code to an HTML element


Drag and drop a HTML element to the Elementor page. Copy and paste the HTML code below to the HTML element.


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var toggleSoundButton = document.querySelector('.fa-volume-mute');
var heroBackgroundVideo = document.querySelector('.herosection video');
toggleSoundButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

if (heroBackgroundVideo.muted !== false){
} else {
} }); });

Only if you prefer an actual button, follow these instructions, and use the code below instead.

Add an Elementor button instead of the icon


Drag and drop a button element to a section in the page from the Elementor widget box.


  1. Right click on the button and click on the Edit button option in the drop down.
  2. Go to the Content tab in the Edit Button properties.
  3. Clear the link text box of all text.


  1. Go to the Advanced tab and open the Advanced drop down.
  2. Type in the name “toggle_sound” for the CSS Classes attribute.

Add this code to an HTML element


Drag and drop a HTML element to the Elementor page. Copy and paste the HTML code below to the HTML element.

        cursor: pointer;

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

var toggleSoundButton = document.querySelector('.toggle_sound');
var heroBackgroundVideo = document.querySelector('.herosection video');
toggleSoundButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

if (heroBackgroundVideo.muted !== false){
} else {
} }); });


Live example

>>If you need any help in this regard, please contact me

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